At the beginning of September 2024, the first double issue of a new and, at least in the Czech environment, unique magazine for the general public called re:vision. The magazine wants to enter the public space to challenge the prejudices that are so dangerous for our society. It opposes the manipulation of history with a courageous and critical view of the past, from which our future necessarily grows. re:visions does not present one opinion, one world view, it looks at past and present events and phenomena in a comprehensive way, thus wanting to contribute to greater tolerance in society.
The magazine publishes essays, interviews with inspiring intellectuals from abroad and the Czech Republic, as well as regular columns (e.g. environmental, sociological, art-historical, literary-historical or gender), which offer the perspective of the younger generation of researchers on various current social issues. There are also comics, visuals and travel reports from young researchers.
The journal re:vize is published six times a year as a double issue of 120 pages, written in Czech and offers not only aesthetically interesting texts but also numerous illustrations by the authors. Each issue contains a thematic section, the first one is entitled "We in Europe". The magazine is prepared by the Centre for Early Medieval Studies at the Seminar of Art History of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University.